
The French-Indian Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR OR CEFIPRA) is a unique instrument created in 1987 to increase scientific and technical cooperation between French and Indian researchers. The joint chairmanship of the IFCPAR Board of Directors is held by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), and the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology represented by its Department of Science and Technology (DST), both of which fund the center equally to the tune of 3.1 million euros per year. IFCPAR funds collaborative scientific research projects, mobility of researchers from both countries, as well as R&D projects involving the academic and industrial sectors. From 1987 to 2020, 556 collaborative research projects, 169 joint seminars, 37 industrial projects and more than 3,650 visits of students and researchers have been funded. CEFIPRA also manages the Raman-Charpak PhD mobility program (stays of 2 to 6 months), co-funded by the Indian DST and the French Embassy in India. Apart from its own funding programs, CEFIPRA has been entrusted since 2012 with an increased role as a catalyst for French-Indian cooperation, by promoting the involvement of French and Indian, public and private organizations, companies, foundations and institutions willing to develop ad hoc bilateral R&D cooperation programs. In this context, CEFIPRA publishes and manages their calls for projects, acting also as a partner to help the implementation of these partnerships. With respect to this workshop: CEFIPRA organises seminars/workshops/Training Schools in topics of current relevance and interest to both India and France in the areas of Science &Technology. Such events help in initiating interactions among scientists and technologists of the two nations and are expected to result in collaborative research projects.
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